Early Intervention


The New Jersey Early Intervention System (NJEIS), under the Division of Family Health Services, implements New Jersey's statewide system of services for infants and toddlers, birth to age three, with developmental delays or disabilities, and their families. The Department of Health is appointed by the Governor as the state lead agency for the Early Intervention System.


The mission of the New Jersey Early Intervention System (NJEIS) is to enhance the capacity of families to meet the developmental and health-related needs of children birth to age three who have delays or disabilities by providing quality services and support to families and their children. Families from diverse racial, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds will be involved in decision-making at every level of the design, implementation and evaluation of the Early Intervention System. The system will:

  • Promote collaborative partnerships among the family, their community, service and health care providers, schools and child care programs that strengthen and enhance family competence to develop and use lasting networks of natural support.
  • Provide a family-centered approach which will be based upon the uniqueness of the family and its culture.
  • Promote prompt service and support delivery in settings most natural and comfortable for the child and family and which foster opportunities for the development of peer relationships with children without disabilities.
  • Reflect the current best practices in the field of early intervention in order to ensure uniformity of service delivery standards and yield the most positive outcome for the child and family.
  • Recognize and respect the knowledge, beliefs, aspirations, values, culture and preference of families and utilize these for planning and delivery of supports and services.
  • Facilitate ongoing, system-wide, participatory evaluation to ensure an effective and efficient Early Intervention System